15 Most Beautiful Places in the World - YTV


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Saturday, April 22, 2017

15 Most Beautiful Places in the World

Any one of these top 15 most beautiful places will be the perfect travel desination like the incredible Ashikaga Flower Park in Japan! Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr # 9 Zhangye Danxia Landforms In the Zhangye Danxia Landform Park in Gansu, China, you can see a real life technicolor marvel. These mountains over thousands of years have formed dramatically colourful strata. This rock-cake of magenta, maroon, and lemon stone. Chinese officials graphed this naturally occurring piece of art over 100 years ago, but it has not really become a world landmark until recently. Now it is protected as a UNESCO heritage site in 2009. # 8 Red Beach in Panjin, China On China’s Eastern Coast, there is a beach that turns bright red every fall. The Red Beach is a wetland right next to the ocean which makes its soil extremely salty. The only plant that can survive such a salinated environment is the seepweed. So for 51 square miles, seepweed is the only thing that grows. In Autumn, the seepweed turns from a lush green to a deep, dark red. These lush wetlands are home to over 260 species of birds and around 400 species of other wildlife. # 7 Hillier Lake, Australia Lake Hillier is a saline lake on the edge of Middle Island, one island part of a small archipelago off the Southwest coast of Australia. The 2000 foot long length is separated by just a small piece of land from the Ocean, which is the cause for the lake’s salt levels. The pink lake looks like it's straight out of a fashion magazine or trendy blog, but it hasn’t been photoshopped or dyed to look this cute. It is permanently pink because of microorganisms, called Dunaliella salina, that live inside of it. # 6 Tunnel of Love, Ukraine In Ukraine, there is a beautiful tunnel that is reminiscent of a scene from a whimsical animated movie. This tunnel has allowed plants to overtake most of the space, creating a space where man-made structures and nature can co-exist. This is the Tunnel of Love, originally just a railroad that delivered wood to a local factory, but it has become a popular spot for lovers to visit and make wishes. They say that a wish made by lovers here who stay true to each other will see their dreams turn to reality. While it remains a luscious green hue most of the year, in the winter, it turns into a magical scene of snow and winter fun. # 5 Nabana No Sato Light Tunnel In Japan’s Mie Prefecture this a flower theme park called Nabana No Sato. The decorations at this park change every season with new flowers and a new theme. In addition to the flowers, they have LED light art installments that change with the theme of the season. But, they’re most iconic and striking installation might be the world famous light tunnel which stays the same every year. Walking through the tunnel emulates walking through the infinity of space. A newer installation is the Kawazu Sakura light tunnel, an installation that is inspired by the Cherry Blossom Tree that is so prevalent in Japan. # 4 Glow Worm Cave - Waitomo, New Zealand This cave can be found in Waitomo, New Zealand. It is full of bioluminescent bugs that turn this otherwise unremarkable cave into a spellbinding, dreamy tourist spot. The Glow Worm Cave is full of Fungus Gnats, which when in their larval forms put off a bright natural light. In their large colonies, they illuminate the entire space and create a bewitching sight that looks like a recreation of the starry night sky. # 3 Antelope Canyon Antelope Canyon is a highly photo-friendly canyon located on Navajo land just east of Page, Arizona. The Navajo name for Antelope Canyon translates to “the place where water runs through rocks” which is accurate since this is a slot canyon. It was formed not by wind erosion but by water cutting through the rock over years and years. That is what has created the impressive smooth slopes in the rock face that doesn’t look like usual rock formations in other canyons. # 2 Halle Forest A forest straight out of a fairytale can be visited in real life, and you don’t even need to make a wish to a fairy. All you need to visit Halle Forest is a ticket to Belgium. What really makes this forest look make-believe is a floor carpeted in bluebell flowers. Every spring and summer the forest shifts colors and blooms with beautiful blue and violet colors. # 1 Pamukkale In the Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey is a place called Pamukkale exists, where you can bathe in natural pools at the “cotton castle”. Pamukkale translates to “Cotton Castle” in Turkish, referencing the beautiful and delicate white travertine, a mineral deposited by the natural hot spring pools on the terrace.

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