No Roads, No Cars, Just Boats - YTV


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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

No Roads, No Cars, Just Boats

Most of us town-and-city dwellers spend our days pounding hard, paved ground. But in Giethoorn, Holland, residents float through canals. Built without roads, a series of waterways and bridges connect the town’s 2,400 residents. This incredible aquatic infrastructure has even earned the town the nickname “Little Venice.” We have to admit, a life without asphalt, gridlock and the DMV sounds pretty enchanting. SUBSCRIBE: This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big world with all manner of creatures, large and small. Come with us to faraway places as we explore our great big planet and meet some of its wildest inhabitants. Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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